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Identity and Freedom Training

Book A Conference at Your Church or Ministry


Does your church or ministry have an effective means to deal with the spiritual, mental and emotional needs of those you shepherd in your ministry context?  Would your ministry benefit from a discipleship model that has been proven to make a positive impact? Do you have a good tool to help train up leaders within your church to lead different areas of your ministry? I


Infusion Ministries is here to help!

Over the last 30 years Infusion Ministries has been used by God to change the trajectory of peoples lives by teaching the biblical truths found in books like "Victory Over the Darkness" and  "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park. Resources and training that has been studied and found to make a profound impact on the lives of individuals, leaders and ministries. 

As part of Infusion Ministries we would love to bring life changing conferences and trainings to your church or ministry setting. We lead conferences and trainings  both large and small. We provide our expertise to the church leader, small group leader, ministry leader and the church as a whole. 

Would you invite Dave and Stephanie to come lead your church or ministry in a conference  or training for you? If you would like you can also book Dr. Dave Park (author of over 18 bestselling books including "Stomping Out the Darkness and Bondage Breaker) to lead the training for your church or ministry conference.

Call us at 865-313-1834 to find out more about how you can host a life-changing conference or training. 

Below, you will find information on our conferences and trainings we offer. 



EPIC Identity:

This retreat will help you destroy negative false identity equations that cause you to strive and stress over aspects of your life you were never meant to focus. This will help you claim your mighty inheritance in Christ. You're not a product of your past. But you are a product of the cross. This teaching was birthed out of Neil Andersons/Dave Parks best-selling book "Stomping Out the Darkness" . Here we will explain the timeless biblical truths that shape your true identity in Christ. The late Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, said, "The Lord has given Neil and Dave a great message that will speak to the critical needs of youth and adults today. 

When people find their freedom in Christ, they will experience the love, power, and joy of God."  Today, you can begin to discover who you really are in Christ. 

5 Sessions Including:

Message 1: Our Authority in Christ

Message 2: Your New Identity in Christ

Message 3: Say Yes! to the EPIC LIfe

Message 4: Becoming Who You Really Are

Message 5: EPIC Love of the Father


EPIC Freedom:

We all can experience times in life where we are being controlled by destructive habits or addictions. Life often brings feelings of fear, anger and bitterness. Satan wants to keep us in bondage so we live our lives weak and ineffective. But Jesus came to set the captives free so we can live our best life no matter the circumstances in life. 

The battle for your freedom has already been won. If you are a follower of Jesus you are on the winning side. Come learn how to live that out and take hold of what is yours in Christ. It's time to claim your victory! 

In EPIC Freedom you will be taught the message that Neil Anderson and Dave Park wrote about in the bestselling book "The Bondage Breaker" . These books interate Jesus' invitation to help you overcome temptation, accusation and deception and win the battle for your mind.

5 Sessions Including:

Message 1: EPIC Walk of Faith

Message 2: Battle For the Mind

Message 3: Breaking Down Strongholds

Message 4: Forgiving From the Heart

Message 5: Living the EPIC Life


EPIC Journey:

We all desire to walk in freedom but many of us struggle to find something to help make that happen. Jesus is the one who sets us free but he has also given us tools to help us in that journey. The EPIC Journey has been intentionally designed to help you close specific doors on the enemy, lay down lies you have believed, to walk towards Jesus in Freedom, to win the battel for the mind and to finally become the new person Jesus has already made you to be. Start your journey today and begin living a truly epic life.

10 Petitions Including:

Petition 1: You Have An Abba Father

Petition 2: The Proper Worship of God

Petition 3: Seeking God's Guidance

Petition 4: Yielding to God's Plans

Petition 5: Your Provision in Christ

Petition 6: Claiming Freedom From Sin and Bondage

Petition 7: Forgiving Those Who Hurt You

Petition 8: Claiming Your Victory in Christ

Petition 9: Claiming Your Protection in Christ

Petition 10: Benediction 

Extra Petition: Overcoming Fear


EPIC Leader I:

We have hurting people all around us, yet so many leaders do not feel qualified or equipped to help those with spiritual conflicts and bondage. EPIC Leader I provides Biblical tools and principles that will help you bring freedom to your small group, church or ministry. Dr. Dave Park, co-author of "Stomping Out the Darkness" and "The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition" with Neil T. Anderson, will teach and train you to help others discover their true identity and freedom in Christ. In addition, this training will help you develop other leaders and volunteers to strengthen and expand your ministry. 

9 Sessions Including:

Session 1; A Balanced Approach to Spiritual Formation

Session 2: A Balanced Model

Session 3: The Life and Character of the Discipler

Session 4: Connected

Session 5: Understanding and Helping the Disciple

Session 6: A New Beginning

Session 7: Leading People Through the EPIC Journey

Session 8: Removing Ground

Session 9: Identity-Based Spiritual Formation Terms


EPIC Leader II:

As a leader, are you struggling with how to disciple others under your care? In EPIC Leader II, Dr. Dave Park, co-author of "Stomping Out the Darkness" and "The Bondage Breaker: Youth Edition" with Neil T. Anderson, provides a clear model and guide to discipleship counseling. If you are a pastor, youth pastor, small group leader or other ministry leader or counselor, this training will give you the confidence and tools to help you disciple others and to help them overcome their spiritual conflicts. 

9 Sessions Including:

Session 1: Identity-Based Spiritual Formation, Level 1

Session 2: Identity-Based Spiritual Formation, Level 2

Session 3: Identity-Based Spiritual Formation, Level 3

Session 4. Discipling in Christ-Levels of Conflict and Growth Chart

Session 5: Discipleship Model-Level 1

Session 6: Discipleship Model-Level 2

Session 7; Discipleship Model-Level 3

Session 8: Special Cases

Session 9: Special Prayers


EPIC Church:

Would you like to see your church come alive in Christ? It takes more than a new building, new programs, or fresh ideas to remove spiritual conflicts and disunity from a church or ministry. Just as an individual can have personal bondage, so can a church. Churches can carry corporate sin and the result is disunity, stagnant growth and spiritual conflict within the body. What churches need is a biblical plan for freedom. Join Dr. Dave Park, co-author of "Stomping Out the Darkness" and "The Bondage Breaker: Youth Edition" with Neil T. Anderson and learn how to set your church free!

Sessions Including;

Steps to Setting Your Church Free

Church Renunciations 

Discerning the Lord's View of Our Church

Step One: Our Church's Strength

Step Two: Our Weaknesses

Step Three: Memories

Step Four: Corporate Sin

Step Five: Attacks of Spiritual Enemies

Step Six: Prayer Action Plan

Step Seven: Leadership Strategy

After Completing the Seven Steps

Other Conferences and Trainings available to you and your ministry:

-Overcoming Depression

-Finding Courage amidst Fear

-Purity Under Pressure

-Overcoming Doubt

-Overcoming Negative Self-Image

-Men of the Banner

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